Sunday, January 28, 2007

A New Leaf

My life since October's been so strange, I can hardly look back and recognize it as my own. It's been about faith--or the lack thereof. My friend, Elizabeth, says doubt is the beginning of faith. If that logic is correct, my faith should be stronger now than ever before.

You may have noticed I deleted a few posts. That's because I have turned over a new leaf. The fog I've been existing in has lifted. I am seeing things in a different light, putting the past in its place and looking forward to what is on the horizon.

Hopefully I'll have exciting things to write about soon...things that are pleasantly, wonderfully exciting. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quarters (written by a friend)

The following is excerpted from an email sent to me by a dear friend. I think he is a fantastic writer--even if the only writing of his I've read is in email form! Note his reference to my last post ("Me, Magnum & Marines"). Hope you enjoy!

"A closing thought on quarters.... they come in handy for mundane things.. two will get you a dr. pepper at cokesbury, five will get you [a coke] at a football game..... it only takes one to make a phone call when your cell is dead. Mostly, I like to look at each one in my pocket... the state... or the date.. (60's and older go in the coffee can - it's red, not blue) mostly... I like to find beat up and worn ones... and wonder where they have been and what they have seen.... I wonder if they remember the joys and hurts of their passing owners..... I wonder if some gal pumping self serve notices one in the parking lot... or just pays with plastic and starts the car... looking in the rear view at dress blues."

Don't I have brilliant friends?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Heart LJ

"My" girls and I preparing for our second day of shopping in Asheville.

I am enjoying my second day of post-winter-retreat recuperation. Five other adults and I just returned from a trip with 20 high schoolers to Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, for Ski Lift-Off 2006. What a great trip it was! As usual, I chaperoned the shopping group while the other adults took the rest of the kids skiing. "My" girls and I spent Saturday in Asheville hippy-watching and enjoying the funky downtown shops. Sunday we enjoyed the Asheville Mall while the rest of our party attempted to ski in 50 degree rain. I would be willing to bet we had more fun! We spent New Year's Eve with The Afters, who might be the best thing that has happened to Christian music since Charles Wesley. They put on an awesome concert, punctuated by an onstage interview of one of OUR kids!

Keatton is interviewed by Afters lead singer about his bizarre fashion statement.

I have to admit I snuck out after the concert and spent most of my New Year's Eve watching a "Dog the Bounty Hunter" marathon in my hotel room. Sometimes I find it difficult to be an introvert in this line of work, but I try to keep my sanity by escaping humanity when necessary. New Year's Day brought sunshine and 12 hours in a mini-van with five sleeping teenagers. Though I may not love my job, I do love these kids.

I had so many brilliant thoughts while I was in North Carolina. Maybe as I continue recuperating today some of them will return to me, and I'll share them with you. Until then...